8th business holandskho World Championships, 13 JNA Biesboschhaven, asphalt and otolina, pollus 12 SS 156 km to holandskho ampiontu pibyl new company, organization took ekipa Biesheuvel Autosport zmsta Nieuwendijk. For 63 startujcch posdek were pichystny Ty checks, developping during rally departed total tikrt. Nejvt pote soutcm nadlalo Poas who shows progress of the company hid the worst deov podmnky. Finally, as nezvodilo only on the asphalt, but for a lot bltivch MST. S m extrmnmi podmnkami many zkuenost maratnec of stje Kamin MAN dlkov rally for Peter Versluis. At the competition, sponsored by title sponsor the Dakar stje, set off with lemon C4 WRC Petter Solberg and after astnkem WRC Academy Timo van der Marel side. The best entrance to the rally saw the pilot, who could be during this vkendu STT rehashed Dutch master. Jeroen Swaanen a playlist zatmv Ponal absolutely jednoznan as the only vjimkou regularly pipisoval maximln amount of points. Tentokrt vyhrlti originally zkouky and built to ele nskok 24.1 seconds at the Bernhard Brinkeho. Pilot Ford Fiesta WRC was all aktuln acquainted mainly Swaanenovm soupeem and so it was also tentokrt. Its great chvle Nadela in Stage 5, where Swaanen prohnl condominium Focus WRC after zabahnnch Polch and caused timer ztrtou penechal held in Sout the first Brinkemu. The rider Fiesta but the leading PKY a long time Uvat nedokzal, or about two zkouky later made a mistake, pokodil pedek car and competition for nho death Il. Do ela Altena Rally TMPDA vrtil Swaanen in this hour mlk good 21.7 seconds on Bert de Jong pilotujcho Mitsubishi Lancer WRC05. Zkuen pilot stbrnou PKU dokzal hldat and zvren sti competition. In pedposlednm test OVEM made a mistake and let you SKVL e Result utct between his fingers. In pedposledn Souto year nedailo or son Bob de Jong with the second pollus Mitsubishi Lancer WRC05. On the crate vzvru rally got Eric Bolhaar which i tentokrt pollus sat down in damages Fabia WRC. Altena Rally OVEM was about two Jinchi pollus hvzdch. Tou men became Hermen Kobus, who in sloitch podmnkch dokzal beat several drivers pollus with WRC and came to cle with SVM Ford Fiesta Super 2000, on the PCE. For nejvt hvzdu rally was undoubtedly Swaanen, which vyhrlptou competition acquainted and obhjil condominium Losk championship. The order vcli first Jeroen Swaanen / Robin Buysmans (NL / B) Ford Focus RS WRC 08 second 1:19.06,5 Hermen Kobus / Erik de Wild (NL) Ford Fiesta S2000 +2.42,7 third Eric Bolhaar / Gert Kamphuis (NL) Skoda Fabia WRC +4.49,6 fourth Peter Versluis / Timo van der Marel (NL) Citroen C4 WRC +5.02,8 fifth Jan de Winkel / Radboud van Hoek (NL) Renault Clio R3 +6.46,4 6th Han Hoendervangers / Geert Grooten (NL) Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X +8.18,9 7th Wouter Ploeg / Harm van Koppen (NL) BMW 1M Coupe +8.37,0 8th Gerben Brouwer / Niels Kroeze (NL) Audi S2 +8.50,6 9th Martin van Iersel / Sylvia Visser (NL) Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X +8.55,5 10th Antoine Biesheuvel / Astrid de Geus (NL) Nissan 350Z +9.06,6 ampiontu Status: 1st Swaanen 580, second Kobus 325, 3rd Bolhaar 314, fourth ten Brinke 305, 5th Bert de Jong 230, 6 Bob de Jong 210 brokering of business as usual for the nahldnut ewrc-results.com
Friday, June 28, 2013
2:50 AM by Bilal MuazinNo comments
8th business holandskho World Championships, 13 JNA Biesboschhaven, asphalt and otolina, pollus 12 SS 156 km to holandskho ampiontu pibyl new company, organization took ekipa Biesheuvel Autosport zmsta Nieuwendijk. For 63 startujcch posdek were pichystny Ty checks, developping during rally departed total tikrt. Nejvt pote soutcm nadlalo Poas who shows progress of the company hid the worst deov podmnky. Finally, as nezvodilo only on the asphalt, but for a lot bltivch MST. S m extrmnmi podmnkami many zkuenost maratnec of stje Kamin MAN dlkov rally for Peter Versluis. At the competition, sponsored by title sponsor the Dakar stje, set off with lemon C4 WRC Petter Solberg and after astnkem WRC Academy Timo van der Marel side. The best entrance to the rally saw the pilot, who could be during this vkendu STT rehashed Dutch master. Jeroen Swaanen a playlist zatmv Ponal absolutely jednoznan as the only vjimkou regularly pipisoval maximln amount of points. Tentokrt vyhrlti originally zkouky and built to ele nskok 24.1 seconds at the Bernhard Brinkeho. Pilot Ford Fiesta WRC was all aktuln acquainted mainly Swaanenovm soupeem and so it was also tentokrt. Its great chvle Nadela in Stage 5, where Swaanen prohnl condominium Focus WRC after zabahnnch Polch and caused timer ztrtou penechal held in Sout the first Brinkemu. The rider Fiesta but the leading PKY a long time Uvat nedokzal, or about two zkouky later made a mistake, pokodil pedek car and competition for nho death Il. Do ela Altena Rally TMPDA vrtil Swaanen in this hour mlk good 21.7 seconds on Bert de Jong pilotujcho Mitsubishi Lancer WRC05. Zkuen pilot stbrnou PKU dokzal hldat and zvren sti competition. In pedposlednm test OVEM made a mistake and let you SKVL e Result utct between his fingers. In pedposledn Souto year nedailo or son Bob de Jong with the second pollus Mitsubishi Lancer WRC05. On the crate vzvru rally got Eric Bolhaar which i tentokrt pollus sat down in damages Fabia WRC. Altena Rally OVEM was about two Jinchi pollus hvzdch. Tou men became Hermen Kobus, who in sloitch podmnkch dokzal beat several drivers pollus with WRC and came to cle with SVM Ford Fiesta Super 2000, on the PCE. For nejvt hvzdu rally was undoubtedly Swaanen, which vyhrlptou competition acquainted and obhjil condominium Losk championship. The order vcli first Jeroen Swaanen / Robin Buysmans (NL / B) Ford Focus RS WRC 08 second 1:19.06,5 Hermen Kobus / Erik de Wild (NL) Ford Fiesta S2000 +2.42,7 third Eric Bolhaar / Gert Kamphuis (NL) Skoda Fabia WRC +4.49,6 fourth Peter Versluis / Timo van der Marel (NL) Citroen C4 WRC +5.02,8 fifth Jan de Winkel / Radboud van Hoek (NL) Renault Clio R3 +6.46,4 6th Han Hoendervangers / Geert Grooten (NL) Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X +8.18,9 7th Wouter Ploeg / Harm van Koppen (NL) BMW 1M Coupe +8.37,0 8th Gerben Brouwer / Niels Kroeze (NL) Audi S2 +8.50,6 9th Martin van Iersel / Sylvia Visser (NL) Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X +8.55,5 10th Antoine Biesheuvel / Astrid de Geus (NL) Nissan 350Z +9.06,6 ampiontu Status: 1st Swaanen 580, second Kobus 325, 3rd Bolhaar 314, fourth ten Brinke 305, 5th Bert de Jong 230, 6 Bob de Jong 210 brokering of business as usual for the nahldnut ewrc-results.com
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