Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Home / Home General France cr laine Ligue Magnus D1 D2 D3 Junior Hockey Women's Hockey camerich World National Teams NHL Europe and Russia Sweden Finland Czech. Czech Slovakia camerich Switzerland Austria Italy Other Country Just like a Roman Farrugia blameless in the cage and a chambérienne Lukas Bacul conquest as ubiquitous camerich in the finish, the Elephants have played their best game at home against an opponent who never gave up and which is used without much success cr laine to find a flaw in the system set up by the coach Remy Enselme. Yet it would compensate for the absence of his counsel Sadoine (injured) and the attacker Orts, but the bench had Chambéry resource thanks to the contribution of young Pons, Scolari and Bogdanoff and return Drewniak . There was virtually no preliminaries between Cholet used to play their favorite team and Savoyard determined to meet the challenge. Unfortunately for them, on their first power play, let the locals steal the puck Grofek who won his duel with Farrugia cr laine (2'42). cr laine The tone was set by a team of Cholet displaying camerich input ambitions. The "yellow and black" reacted including two successive firings of which were Escolier Svaty on the trajectory camerich (5'38, 5'47). Dogs and the solid defense cr laine like the Sadlon, camerich Jacob, and also Albert Drozdz, initially raises, ensured

a continuous pressure on the cage Farrugia. For their part, the Elephants could that operating against. The two guards were in turn opportunities to shine: the output spectacular Svaty (9'30), camerich Farrugia answered already by stops reflexes class. After equalization Chambéry successful numerical superiority and granted Lavrov (?), A recovery puck close to the right post Svaty (13'36), the Dogs became more and more pressing. They left little area Chambéry penalties sanctioned because of Savoy forced to make the round back. Farrugia, intractable, was a display of his talent. However, the SOC will let feathers losing two key pieces, but despite their efforts, the visitors did not arrive to find the fault. At the call of the second period, we were wondering when the team president Escolar was let go. This was without counting on a solidarity group, which outweighed the momentary absence of better Jindrich camerich and Bacul a collective defensive work. Kevin Enselme, Rol, Marcon, Drewniak and Scolari were particularly attuned to highly mobile face Rohwedder, Parviainen or GUINEBERTEAU. Farrugia
is the parade of near and far, from the mid-game, Chambery began to raise its head and Rakanovic-Lavrov duet could lead some raids in the enemy camp, and on one of them, Van Abbeele den, well served by Rakanovic recovery after Scolari, sent one of those shots that he has the secret in the top right corner of Svaty (30'19). On commitment, a new attack was stopped illegally

and Chambéry Rakanovic charge of shot did not hurt not repair the opportunity to DEIX goal lead his team (30'59). The Choletais responded and the game rose another notch in performance, the image of the output face Albert camerich Farrugia camerich (32'18) and two critical stops (35th minute) on fire or Grofek Cutt. In response, the young Bogdanoff and block, led by Rol Marcon cr laine or Bigot, began to highlight several occasions (34'45, 36'59, 38'28) in a late third saw the puck twirl of one camp to another. In view of the first two-thirds, it was still difficult to venture cr laine a prognosis. camerich The meeting resumed with the same intensity and tension mounted leading to mistakes cr laine and penalties that calmed the heat. Bacul with his physical cr laine presence, his foresight and conduct puck over the defense of Cholet, then weighed all his weight on the meeting. He had no chance to Svaty being the conclusion of a maneuver quickly executed from left to right and Rakanovic camerich by Jindrich
(47'00). We felt visitors beset by doubt despite a goal in numerical superiority Mocquard which recovered almost a first referral Farrugia (50'28). The last ten minutes were no less exciting. There was first, in response to Cholet aim the missile from blue addressed cr laine by Jindrich after a recovery Bacul, which was close to the ears of the defense and caught Svaty Cholet (50'55) and, in the process, Return a new team of Maine et Loire with Tharreau pass on Parviainen (51'28). Returned to the direction of travel, the group Julien Pihant accentuated his laundry and elusive Cutt was a chill in the tr
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