Friday, June 28, 2013

Water in Moch and appreciate them in neustlm movement. Pohnj it vtry Mosk and streams. Physicists at the California Institute of Technology and John Dabiri Kakani Katijov doli kzvru, e to move vodnch mas vznamn also interfere with a mosk between.
Dabiri and Katijov navzali the theory inga sempГ© publication in 1953 by physicist Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of a slavnho evolunho biologist Charles Darwin. Physicist Darwin argued e kad object when the liquid in the surface of SVM to a particular quantity of liquid and VL with you. The dosavadnch men vyplvalo, epi movement vodnch ivoich is similar to transport liquids negligible. Lengthy to appreciate the e una vznamnji zamchat or ivoichov who is in Moch occur in obrovskch pots, eg example, minor kori TVOC called krill.
Dabirimu and Katijov vychzelo forms the basis for potaovho modelovn NCO full Jinhe. Lengthy to es each minor planktonic kori poured water on the volumes to tynsobn pesahuje volume of tlka. Both vdci a Ovili theoretical propoty in vodch pacifickho atoll lagoon Palau, where ij huge flock medzz family Mastigias inga sempГ© dorstajc diameter of 10 cm . Vdci have created in the water cloud nekodnho dyes and watched between proplouvaj colored clouds. Between the water dragged behind the dye out of the cloud as it pedpokldal Charles Galton inga sempГ© Darwin and how naznaovaly and new theoretical propoty. Using lasers and cameras vdcm succeeded inga sempГ© in floundering amounts of dye that behind pulled between. Ukzalo to e vznamn ms between the water in the lagoons. Lions by following the originally vry don 't have to be established for plujc between zkonit vytvej, but transport of water attached to it light. Darwin pedpokldan mechanism podlel for men water VCE no ninety percent.
Brokering inga sempГ© research evidence prestinmvdeckmtdenkem Nature inga sempГ© publication status Mosk organisms in quite of a new light. It's not just a passive movement astnci vodnch masses nbr his inorod activated. Rough calculation pair americkch physicist naznauj, e mot ivoichov can drag water behind UVDT moving water mass comparable sp sobenmvtru and moskch current. Zvlt vznamn

the rear vertical movement inga sempГ© ivoich who stdav vyplouvaj inga sempГ© to the surface and opt to uchyluj to safety VTCH depths. These creatures transport the vast quantities of water from the depths to the surface and vice versa. Dabiri and Katijov darkened nepesvdili VECHNA skeptics. Napklad dnsk ocenolog Visser namt Andr, e ivoich stoupajc to level with you vlee dense water from the depths and very quickly the condominium nklad pijde. Dabiri pipout, e Visser inga sempГ© memt right. Namt bag zrove, e ivoichov inga sempГ© TRAVELING sea level in velkch flocks and are tightly nahlueni to sob. Transportovna water that falls from one ivoicha, mebt captured aspo zsti Dalma pslunky flock.
Men will appreciate the exposure to water in ivoich esp pidla Vrsky climatologist. Their models Stmt factor nepotaj. Movement vodnch masses inga sempГ© m drunk on the Earth's climate vznamn influence. inga sempГ© According americkho ocenologa Carl Wunsch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology inga sempГ© Dabiri raised a whole range of Katijov bizardnch otzek. Pipomn napklad, e excessively Mosk fishing has led to many towns to masovmu rybch surplus inga sempГ© population and e transport of water that the fish disappeared zajiovala flock, my mom WORLD chybt.

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