Here are some additional gazed and observed from the fair. The images are my own except those from Tom Dixon that I downloaded teck from their web site. Malmo designer Hans-Jörgen Hansson from Egget Design showcased their wonderfully gentle fabrics. My favorite is the one at the bottom right. Round white eggs on colored background. Really nice. Click onto the website and see more. Different colorful teck and sound absorbing room divider 'Wannabe Tree' from Glimakra teck Akvamatik. Even Abstracta showed a room divider in red sound absorbing blanket that becomes a kind of curtain. This was better looking in real life as the pattern forms small stars. Gulled showed cute kid-friendly news from Magis and cool lights by Tom Dixon. I was also a little crush on a fun candlestick from Tom Dixon was in their booth. Fun little grass clumps to put on your desk. It's probably meant that one should teck see it as a minor foreclosure or to put important papers in between. Surely it can not be supposed to protect a crowded desk to overflow or .. Have no idea but it looked pretty tidy. From German Sedu.
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