In his thirty-three years is traveling the world and is the recipient of numerous awards for documentaries and reportage from Third World countries. Countries where the bullets are flying and people are dying, the time exchanged for a life in New York, I know what to do next ... Read her story
In Prague's DOX is currently running show your photos titled Blue Light Tonite. What is it? It's a twenty-four pictures, portraits of friends and acquaintances with whom I met in a bar Blue Light in Old Town. Some arose spontaneously, some are stylized. So, as anyone deserves. At the beginning should be purely documentary, but then Jiri Machacek once stood at the bar construc-tion of bar stools, on which he lay, and began to lick the bulb bar lighting. vencanice carolija I thought nastylizovat other shots and the result is a diverse mix of portraits.
Have you decided against photographing war zones and places? In any case! Report and document doing all the time. It's a job that I just love. But also worth a lot of energy, and the need to find somewhere to collect back. That's why I started doing portraits and photos or designs on T-shirts. For the past year I have found that I enjoy other things than ever to ride them-what madness, vencanice carolija sleep in a tent dirty, run away from gunfire and be mentally slap all the horrors around.
What were you doing there? I had a crisis and did not know what to do. Report vencanice carolija and document love, on the other hand, I can not imagine that fifty'm going to backpack in Gaza and to put on a bulletproof vest to wear. I was a little sort out thoughts and my friend suggested me to her at the time she moved to New York. At first I thought that it completely crazy, but I nodded, though it was not at all sure what I will do there. Funny thing was that she got pregnant in the meantime and return-tila vencanice carolija back to Bohemia, so in the end I was in New York alone. A study was also a lot in the final. I photographed the band MIG 21 on tour in the States, in which some portraits ... I had the good fortune to people that I met there. A New York blew me away.
From the beginning you fell in love? At first I had a terrible depressed. In third world countries, I was a rarity, here I felt like a total zero. When I first started to be Manhattan in the Docklands, which are now converted to the gallery, and saw three streets above the other openings, where eighty percent of the exhibited thing was absolutely great, I was almost crying. In the Czech Republic this never experience, because there are some good exhibitions a year. In New York in one place in one day, which is a little death to anyone who creates something. The first fourteen days I had the feeling that it is impossible to invent something new, I have not seen in their work any sense. But then it completely turned around and I thought, "If vencanice carolija they can, why can not I?" Environment and people started me tremendously charge. Today, I think the best thing I've ever done is just my daily New York, perhaps soon to issue in book form.
What do you think should see every visitor to New York beyond the traditional things vencanice carolija that was recommended? For me, it is not necessary to look for in New York something special. For me it was the best experience when I left the house this morning at the East Village and gradually passed through Little Italy, China Town and walked slowly to the bottom on Wall Street. I walked for an hour four different worlds, four very different countries. That is fascinating. vencanice carolija And just because it is worth it to go to New York and just loiter in the streets.
Was there something that you hit this city? At New York's amazing how everyone walks in the evening somewhere fun and familiar. While with us, most people walk purposefully drunk New Yorkers do not need this. They want to primarily entertain, so you can be three or four drinks, and that's it. I do not want to generalize, but New York is not a problem that when someone is interested, you will address it directly. Or on you. Nobody vencanice carolija out there does not like you're embarrassing or that fear him. This is normal. Unfortunately, here in Prague is mostly so that people learn only when they are completely scrap. Then of course it's embarrassing, plus many other day or not know how the man know her name. Let alone giving rise to a friendship.
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