Google offers less freedom to mobile users | Luca De Biase Home About About Me About Me Paper Ecology attention Ecology Problems publishing information Innovage Journalists innovators The dawn of a new journalism Master Steve Jobs on humans and machines Words Per-courses paradigms
Contexts rendi mobilya Connections Evolution Media Commons Wiki Books mentioned Appointments Google can not be used on the move without allowing Google to know the location of the user. After several attempts with iPhone rendi mobilya and iPad it seems that way. Using Google+ with the computer furniture 2 go goes smoothly. But if you access the browser rendi mobilya furniture 2 go of your phone or tablet you are prompted to agree to share data with Google on its location. (I asked for light also on Google+ and look forward to responses). The result furniture 2 go is that Google can use data that it collects on the location and share it with third parties. And although Google is a great product (with pros and cons, of course), its utility decreases
drastically if you use it on the move: which happens rendi mobilya if you refuse furniture 2 go to give Google information about your location. May not be a problem, it is a sensitivity that varies from person to person. furniture 2 go
But it is a new distinction drastic rendi mobilya treatment of fixed and mobile users. A user on the disk is free to a user on the mobile. There are terms of service that Google rendi mobilya Mobile are different from those for fixed. And even there are specific rules for privacy when using Google products in mobility. Google has long since decided that the network is not as mobile Internet and fixed. furniture 2 go Like when he claimed that net neutrality is different in the internet and fixed and mobile, in a public statement shared with Verizon in August 2010. Statement also criticized dall'EFF. The condemnation of mobile network is becoming a less "free" than the fixed one. The mobile operators will take a lot more freedom than they grant users the fixed network furniture 2 go operators. gianna, I think I'm one of the people who did not buosgno periods of mobility as essentially rendi mobilya sedentary, in fact I do not have it iphone ipad bb it, but I was restless even before the information concerning the FB that shows in the right column of my board every time I quote something. Would find it unbearable to say where they are, but the restoi we have agreed to change their habits since the advent
of the mobile phone which after the emergency furniture 2 go rendi mobilya furniture 2 go universally asks no more, as you are, but where you are. If you use the Google Search Application rendi mobilya from BB, Google will ask permission to know where you are to improve the responses, it is not mandatory (I've given it to him, if I were to discover that does strange rendi mobilya things, uninstall rendi mobilya the application furniture 2 go and reinstall without giving more authorization). FOr As for the differences between the fixed network and mobile network, in reality, furniture 2 go the distinction furniture 2 go is more subtle: the difference is between those who use the mobile network to connect to the computer (using the phone as a modem, or memory stick) and those who accessed to the Internet rendi mobilya via mobile phone or smartphone. As for the attitude of managers, furniture 2 go depends essentially rendi mobilya on the fact that control a resource infinitely more scarce in the fixed network. Add Your Comments Cancel reply You may use HTML tags These and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <blockquote cite=""> <b> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <ol> <li> <strong> October 17, 2012 Disintermediation and opportunities in publishing digital book - Update The metaphore et le numerique Dans son article de 1948, Claude Shannon, théoricien du "bit", établit one distinction entre 's "information" furniture 2 go et the "sens": the notion of "bit" it s'applique pas au domaine du sens . more ... Territory The territory furniture 2 go as a development platform is like a network and a platform on which to develop activities, initiatives, startup. And like any platform rendi mobilya can be open or closed, it can have a dampening effect or it may accelerate the development, furniture 2 go may be dominated furniture 2 go by a few big powers or competition, furniture 2 go so be creative. And so on. It can also be changed, despite the slowness that distinguishes rendi mobilya it, in a radical way. more ... Not all of them are entrepreneurs, rendi mobilya but ... It takes balance. The terrible 36% of youth unemployment can not be solved with an easy recipe. Who proposes furniture 2 go it is a sorcerer's apprentice. Or a real trickster. But it is clear that the issue is faced trying to understand, in the face of the roads are closed, what are the ways that open. So many pensan
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