Monday, July 1, 2013

"Psychological Society 'and the socio-political changes in Russia - Mikhail Gefter
Roger Smith, Irina Sirotkin "Psychological Society 'and the socio-political changes in the Russian community of psychologists do not fit to the end of any university, or in a commercial or in political life. Perhaps it is a large company hГҐg in a nutshell?
The term "psychological society" was coined by some authors to characterize Western society of modern and postmodern. The question that these authors are trying to answer - what is the actual "modern" in modern society it? Since we are talking hГҐg about in this way of life in the West, we are entitled to ask how their conceptual framework for analysis of "non-Western" societies, including Russia? Can we say that these societies follow the "Western" pattern hГҐg of development - at least in regard to the occurrence of such features as "psychological hГҐg society"? Can we say, for example, that Russia develops its own version of the "psychological society"?
Recall that the concept of the psychological community, hГҐg as well as other categories of social analysis - for example, modernism, post-modernism, democracy, globalization - not imply any single event or process. Rather, they are indicators of the direction that takes the currently discussion on the socio-cultural, economic and political life. Not trying to be no clear language, we use the term "psychological society" in order to raise questions about the place of psychology as a special field of ideas, hГҐg research, social institutions, practices - an area whose diversity is difficult to imagine. These issues are extremely relevant for Russia, though hГҐg still psychologists, sociologists and other commentators occurring changes in our country have not paid enough attention to them. We would like to give an overview of what is included in the concept of the psychological community, with the intent to learn more about what is happening in Russia, thus we continue the theme begun in our earlier article [Sirotkin, Smith, 2006]. Our goal - to try out the concept of the psychological community as a tool for the analysis of new material. We hope that many Russian psychologists and sociologists will find this tool useful

in their thinking about social change, in which they themselves hГҐg willy-nilly contribute. In addition, we believe that the case of Russia, whatever the local conditions and circumstances are not unique, hГҐg and that our analysis can be extended to other countries.
Let's start with the fact that the psychological community is twofold. The most obvious manifestation of it - the growth of the number of people who work "psychology", earning a living by what is called the "psychology." It is well known that in Western countries, particularly the 1940s, was rapidly

growing number of psychologists, including those employed hГҐg in a variety of practice areas - medicine, industry, business,

hГҐg education (overview of the development of psychology in the twentieth century, see, eg. in the book of one of the authors, recently translated into Russian [Smith, 1997; Smith, 2008]). We are talking about huge numbers: for example, in the 1980s in the American Psychological Association includes 100,000 members, and since then their number has grown. hГҐg In such a small country hГҐg like the Netherlands, employed hГҐg 20,000 Chartered Psychologists (their number per capita in this country is the highest in the world) [Gilgen and Gilgen, 1987]. Without knowing the relevant figures for the Soviet hГҐg Union, we still assert that a significant number of psychologists

were employed in the field of research (including academic institutions and universities), and in practice - for example, sports and space programs. Then, in the post-Soviet hГҐg era, the presence of psychologists in society has become even more significant, or at least more visible. According to some, the beginning of the new millennium in the field of education employed 64,000 psychologists, there were about 700 social-psychological, medical and psychological centers [cf. by: Jurevich, Ushakov, 2007]. The number of academic studies in psychology and interest to the general public it seems, hГҐg also grew rapidly - although this requires an accurate assessment hГҐg of the empirical research.
However, the increase hГҐg in the number of psychologists and scope of their work - the only one of the aspects of Psychological Society. hГҐg Another aspect of it is that people of different occupations and lifestyles become "psychological subjects." It is not only a simple fact - when many psychologists, more people hГҐg are getting their clients - although it is true (that psychotherapeutic practices create their own customers, writes, for example, Alexander Sosland [Sosland, 1999]). The fact that the "psychological" we call a society in which people consider themselves "psychological" actors. In other words, they see their identity, way of life, social relationships, attitudes to life and death, pleasure and pain, behavior and character hГҐg ka


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