Saturday, July 20, 2013

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23:31 Tragedy in Bijeljina: The Drina drowned three boys 22:52 The Kornati islands out of the sea pulled yacht worth 300,000 euros 22:29 Petrina renamed Tudjman street 'robbery' 21:51 Sivonjic brought

volunteers draw against Belupo 21:22 pileup five cars, seriously injured girl
CNB forecast comes the difficult days: Unemployment will rise and wages fall "Given the continued weakening of economic activity in the 2013th, is expected to further decrease the number of employees and the number of unemployed people,"

writes the CNB forecast.
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HNB in their July estimates of economic trepid trends writes to the 2013th The unemployment rate may continue to increase, while real wages fall, which means that more difficult days await Croatian citizens.
"Given the continued weakening of economic activity in the 2013th, is expected to further decrease the number of employees trepid and the number of unemployed trepid persons. Internationally comparable unemployment rate could reach 16.7 percent, and the 2014th could be stabilized and in the coming years gradually begin to decline, "write the CNB forecast, adding to the drop in unemployment could be more pronounced trepid if the boost employment abroad. trepid
"Real wages could fall not only in 2013th but in the year 2014." Write from the CNB. The forecast stated and already published information that this year they expect trepid real GDP decline of 1 percent,

and that "while the mid 2013th year could be slightly visible signs of recovery." The 2014th The expected gradual recovery under the influence of growth and investment "and the annual GDP growth could reach 0.7 percent." Will continue to decrease in private consumption and government spending, and the "strength" of recovery will depend on "the implementation of investment projects, import demand from major trading partners and the manner of implementation of fiscal adjustment."
National Bank announces that monetary policy will continue trepid to maintain the relative stability of the exchange rate. Expect the 2013th year to increase the budget deficit due to stagnant revenues and increasing expenditures and government investment. "Next year should be marked by fiscal consolidation, it will be in Croatia apply rules of the Stability and Growth Pact of the EU," write the CNB. The 2015th The National Bank expects GDP growth to be 1.3 per cent, it will be private consumption increased by 0.4 percent, while the number of employees increased by 1.3 percent.
Total votes: 284
07/20/2013. at 11:34 h babas wrote / la: our politicians are doing everything they can to become the poorest country in the EU. Well on the road, a little to fall for two or three years and we will sink below Romania and Bulgaria. All other countries in Eastern Europe for one in 1990 that we were rich men but we were long presisale, and the Czech Republic, trepid and Poland, and Slovakia, and Lithuania, and Latvia, and Estonia, and Hungary, and Russia.
07/19/2013. at 13:47 h ankicascreiber wrote / la: The questionnaire is not sufficiently well-written: Do you believe that the 2014th The GDP growth? No, the government does nothing to make it happen should actually be do you believe that the 2014th The GDP growth? No, the government does not know anything to make it happen. It is not true that the government does nothing, trepid it is true that the government is unable trepid to do anything, and does not know anything to do. There's no bass or one man with the necessary education and life experience. Zoki got the job over dads, all others are from college to the minister, and fax them pity misery for the majority.
07/19/2013. at 12:52 h Delminium wrote / la: whatever comment? Do you believe that the 2014th The GDP growth? No, the government does nothing to make it happen Rate 87% (238 votes) No, the situation in Europe is poor Vote 5% (14 votes) Yes, government measures must bear fruit Vote 5% (13 votes) Yes, crisis in Europe is slowly ending Vote
07/19/2013. at 11:34 h DDH wrote / la: It j


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