Monday, July 1, 2013

Unknown master of the XV century., Painted the Siena Cathedral, pictured alongside of Hermes and Moses 2. How is near so revered in Christianity, Jewish scribes was the Greco-Egyptian god is not, is not the wise man, to whom were attributed to numerous works of Christian character is not? Of course, it has become possible as a result of change of the historical, cultural royo bath and ideological issues that have taken place in the XV century. in Italy. But it is not the only reason.
In Christian literature since the patristic era can be traced to two views of Hermes - one extremely hostile, the other - rather sympathetic. To win in the acute ideological struggle against paganism, Christianity had to take his opponent all the most useful to himself, to Christianize and thereby neutralize many of the ideas Greco-Roman and ancient Eastern part of the world that were originally nothing to do with Christianity had not. Such examples (Aristotle, neo-Platonism) is well known. Hermetic royo bath not represent

any particular risk for Christianity. However, he did not have such a conceptual and logical apparatus such as, for example, neo-Platonism, royo bath to greatly interested by Christian theologians. Nevertheless, he did not escape the fate of many religious and philosophical currents of the first centuries of our era: it was Christianized, and its mythical founder of the revered Christian authors later centuries, along with the Sibyl, awarded with reference to well-known Catholic hymn to the XIII century. next to King David 3. However, it should be stressed all the time there was another

tradition of Hermes considered royo bath an evil demon, royo bath the inspiration

of the pagan superstition, alchemy, astrology, black magic, etc.
In this article we look at the views of the author of two Christian Hermeticism - Lactantius (ok.250 - ok.325) and Augustine (354-430). royo bath This choice is not random. The rest of Latin Patristic royo bath hermetic ignored or were limited to minor references. And Lactantius and Augustine is often quoted Hermetic treatises and repeatedly mentioned of Hermes.
Lactantius spent his younger years in Roman Africa, royo bath he studied and became a rhetorician Arnobius. royo bath Diocletian invited him to Nicomedia royo bath for the teaching of Latin rhetoric. When the persecution of Christians in 303 AD, he had to stop teaching, but to serious harassment he suffered. Later, during the reign of Constantine, Lactantius was in Trier coach eldest son of Constantine - Crisp. royo bath Preserved following royo bath his works: "On the work of God" ("De

opificio Dei"), in which he argues against Epicurus and Lucretius, "On royo bath the wrath of God" royo bath ("De ira Dei"), containing a controversy with the Stoics and Epicurus, "Divine establishment "(" Institutiones divinae ") - a great apologetic essay," On the death of the persecutors "(" De mortibus persecutorum "), in which it is proved that all the persecutors of Christianity were punished. Featuring a large well-read in Latin and Greek literature, he quite willingly quoted pagan authors. As a Christian apologist, Lactantius condemned the Gentiles, argued with them, often their ink, but the proof of the truth of the Christian religion, he often drew from the same pagan authors when their views, in his opinion, are close to Christianity.
The main work of Lactantius royo bath "divine institution" is addressed to a pagan reader, and Lactantius apparently believed (and figured correctly) that it can persuade more references to Plato or Cicero, than references to the Bible. Besides Christianity lactation adopted as an adult, and a pagan upbringing had an impact in his works. Begs three questions:
"His Egyptians called

Thoth (Thoyth), from where they got the name of the first month of the year, ie September and he also founded the city, which is now the Greeks called Hermopolis ... Although it was / only / person, but lived in the deepest antiquity (Fuit. .. antiquissimus) and in every kind of learning was tempted so that the knowledge of many things and arts earned him the nickname Trismegistus. Besides,

he wrote in a variety of books related to the knowledge of divine affairs, which approved the greatness of a single all-powerful and God, calling it the same name as us - god and father ... " 4.
2. Lactantius did not relate to the demons of Hermes or any other supernatural beings. At this should be stated, as in early Christian literature was often expressed the view that the pagan gods were nothing royo bath like demons or evil spirits.
3. Lactantius held in relation to Hermes royo bath evgemeristicheskuyu royo bath position, ie considered him a man deified for his wisdom and for his services: royo bath "He gave the Egyptians laws and taught them to the letter," etc.
4. Lactantius acknowledged the greatest antiquity of Hermes, his vast knowledge, royo bath closeness to the true, ie, Christian, the concept of


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