Monday, July 1, 2013

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Mood: creative Music: Black Obelisk, "Raindrops" Life of Remarkable Drummers continue the cycle of posts about drummers of Socialist softlux Labor. That is about the drummers :). At this time, full of patriotism softlux and crowded impressions of yesterday's concert, I decided to write about the best drummer in my opinion the Russian Federation and the surrounding area. Vladimir Ermakov Group: Black Obelisk On what plays: drums Tama Starclassic Performance, iron Sabian, plastics Remo, sticks Pro-Mark 5B. A more detailed softlux description of the installation can be found here. I think not much exaggeration to assume that the name of Vladimir Ermakov know not so many fans of heavy music. Among young metalworkers more on hearing the names of such drummers as Alexander Maniakin Maxim or removed ... But such a competent and skilful drummers as Ermakov, not so much (not like in Russia - in the world)! Most of all, Vladimir known for his work in the "Black Obelisk", where he took a seat at the drums since 1990, although only the "Obelisk" his "track record" is not limited. Vladimir Ermakov was born in Kazan, August 19, 1971. Like many other now famous softlux "heavy" musicians (in particular comes to mind is someone Lars Ulrich, will not say which group), his familiarity with rock music began with Deep Purple. More - more: Accept, Iron Maiden, Manowar, softlux and other equally well-known veterans of the genre. Naturally, there was a desire to try to play the same music itself, and, as usual, Vladimir decided to implement it by trying to learn to play the guitar. Alas, with the guitar softlux he "friends" could not, and he switched to drums. His first band Ermakov organized while studying in college, but it is not a particularly long existed. Then there were a lot of teams that played in a variety of genres,

but especially in their drummer did not stay long. In 1989 he came to Moscow and the will of fate falls into a group called "Kantor." In their structure, he spent about a year and during that time managed to play with them a couple of concerts. In addition, in the summer of 1993, he recorded with musicians 'Cantor' song "The Second Coming" for the book "Iron March 2." The following command, which drummed Ermakov was thrash metal band Stainless. And as time during the rehearsals with the group, softlux Vladimir meets with Mikhail Svetlov, guitarist of "Black Obelisk" ... "PR" is going through at the moment is not the best period of my - the previous drummer Sergey Komarov was tragically killed, and find a new way fails. And then "take the stage" Vladimir Ermakov. The first rehearsal of "PR" with Ermakov was held in November 1990, he was a drummer and coped well with the task. "As far as the Obelisk, I did not feel at that moment of trepidation as many. For me, the group did not have such a cult status, as for many others, and I'm not aware of that responsibility, when I was invited to audition. Maybe so other drummers then and pierced (including Ke $ ha, my predecessor on Stainless). People were shaking knees, fell sticks out of the hands ... And I'm quite free to all this came up. I have, in principle, with adventure full order - I'm always relaxed, so that listening to anything I did not fall off and fell out. because I played as it saw fit, and showed their potential. was only later I realized the Obelisk status as the leader of the Moscow metal scene. " Vladimir Ermakov, from an interview ALIVE final decision on the transition to the "PR" on a permanent basis after the concert took Ermakov memory of Sergei Komarov, softlux held in late November of that ninetieth year. Joining the ranks of the "Black Obelisk", Vladimir devoted a lot of time training and improving their skills. And so it is logical that he is now - probably the best drummer in the former,

damn it, the USSR. The first album by a "Obelisk" with Ermakov on drums,

was the famous softlux "Wall" (1991), well, with a further band's discography can be found even if only on their official website. Also during this period, Vladimir records drums for the album title track "Talk Of The Devil" of the "Master". Unfortunately, the "Black softlux Obelisk" virtually ceased to exist in 1995 due to differences in the collective. In the same year, Ermakov starts playing with the band "EST", this continued for two years. Alas, in 1997, an event occurs that has become a tragedy not only for the "PR", but for the whole of the Russian heavy music in general: Anatoly Kroupnov dies, bass guitarist, singer and main creative force of the collective. In the same year, Ermakov out of "EST." softlux The last team in the


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