Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Htnttz singing the wall? | Multi universe of Eli Eshed

dismantles wall idea can transcend the normal wall and touch the wall that separates the human metaphysical infinite his mind these songs are left everyday separates the population of its existence. But to reduce the pain of the separation of man from his divinity foreign designer everyday. Defiant superamart of man versus infinite existence. God, I'm off the wall. Do me a favor let me enter.
Himself in one eye which stand behind everything what you have never seen before look even less on the other color will be understood superamart now removed one garment and even some of my clothes feel more vulnerable superamart it is clear who has not seen you look like you even less but the skin visible rubbing against superamart things arranged cancel eventually oppressive sense of time gone most evident expressions

body tries but was never going to say anything superamart
No ladders to the stars ..... And god killer, not ever watched him leave go, way timorous stooped, his forehead touching the ground. Death singer, smoke, shedding childhood memory of him. Singer death,

wind wails, whistles and woven footsteps. Singer death, the silence superamart of a journey, God dormant gate, you forgot to color, roughness of steel, prayers entry permit.
No ladders to the stars ...... exhausted olive wood and gray, his face heavily welcome: Welcome collector Damn, killing fields, foam passion, rudeness small hands. Fields of Death, served loss, chill your heart, superamart your eyes anonymity Rick sculpted face, dust and smoke. Quick! Get up! Start digging! The Krebs incipient decay, among them will mine for a living, and buried ... Rikbonm we will talk.
No ladders to the stars .... Death singer, smoke, closing off the horizon. Life singer, rusty metal, ghosts in the foreground. Singer period, Ivey consumption, and non-recurring product. Singer bread, a river of sadness, surly and surging face. Buried beneath the tomb over and God has never dared look in his eyes.
No ladders to the stars ..... His gnawing, his living piles of little to no live almost superamart to death is not dying singer, his passion, whispers Curse of steel, singer death, his heart's desire, hidden rotten fruit. Nails rented the ways Maze bitterly land overflowing: heart rusty blood spilled sad flour and gray waiting suffocation blockade animal turn, orders champions, call of life, grace Heaven refuses to come, chill lead, wickedness superamart God arbitrarily iron, dried bread, lonely superamart cell, tightening the grating, superamart and tightness of the wall, the killing fields of progress.
No ladders to the stars ...... gray dust singer whipping him death, muzzle groundwater, dust steaming rage lament, engraved inside the slits wounds: dead live here, live here sooner die here all the gray dawn, and will bear the misfortune shortage on its way to the groundwater dream stink want to look for will dig the metal buried deep .... Deep .... Dump womb.
The graves of the victims of terrorism, that did was set the wall. Wall gives poets security, where they can sit and write poetry easily. As an artist and as an intellectual, I have no problem superamart with the wall, because I also have a good memory and I certainly remember what happened here, but a few years ago, before superamart the wall.
That Europe is gradually surrounds itself with walls from immigrants from Africa and Asia. And the U.S. of course has long brown fence to prevent immigration from Mexico. Regardless practical reasons there is a need in the wall, the poet is a man ideals., And the ideal is that there will be a fence and there will be a wall.
Ideals should not be cut off from reality, if we are dealing with political poetry. Poetry does not have to be accountable for what happens in reality, but if the poet puts himself superamart in a political framework way, and instead Sambol as a barrier, it must relate to the complexity of the problem. Ideally should be terrorism stops, because brown alienating, but terrorist kills.
And seriously: I'm very happy to discover superamart that Yoav Ezra returns to post here about poetry. Is a poet who lives in the very singing songs so reading is authentic, beautiful and unique. He also had the courage to say what others are afraid to say the same about their song, and this is extremely important,

especially in the criticism, of course.
When Guerrilla Culture
What you all that trouble. To identify themselves with a group delusional. You have not had enough of Eric's list a. What you and Ronnie Hirsch. Is a poet lesbian. Poetry breaks down a wall. Go break something else., And Yoav Ezra disgusts me tell you a political
Keep in mind that in 2000, after six years of constant withdrawal, Israel planned to sign the final settlement. Palestinians saw it and spit in our faces, with a series of bomb attacks. This oppression! This occupation! If there were not any of these bombings, there was a fence and recently we were out of the territories. What would you do PM? Folding under fire? FYI, the Palestinians and Israeli Arabs also see your land Cflstinait. Both TA and its neighbors are "occupied territory." So maybe the bullets turn your grill into real occupiers are murderous fanatics Shmrrrim our lives???? Let me tell you something, as a culture, if we rely on you, make art and reality, we were all dead.
Wall idea does not fit with the idea of peace I had endless pointed prophets. The Holy Land must be no wall and barbed wire. And the two peoples is their duty to live side by side without weapons of war and corruption. Thereby promoting an order divine. And classmates swords and their spears into pruning hooks shovels. And two peoples will be used by light unto the beginning of the journey to the infinite peace of the earth, the earth will end one state. State of Man
Great. They remind me of the 'Wolf and Lamb. Each day a different course with the lamb. Because the lamb has been devoured superamart yesterday ... and the vision of the dry bones JNF sheep can give us comfort. But until then built a wall and our profession that the great commandments and you shall preserve your souls.
The idea to send Yoav Ezra is indeed superamart a similar idea to your role as a reporter traveling on the Euro


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