National Taiwan University, google big table National Cheng Kung University were ranked 101-150 (201-300 first name), Tsinghua University (No. 201-300 name) Chang Gung University (No. 301-400 name) Jiaotong University (No. 301-400 Name) China Medical University (No. 401-500 names) Central University (No. 401-500 names) Sun Yat-sen (No. 401-500 names) google big table Yang Ming University (No. 401-500 names) Interestingly, in this still ranked among the National Taiwan University, Peking google big table University, the also earlier announced the British Times Higher Education Supplement "2012 World University academic reputation ranking" results are not the same, though, Hong Kong, Taiwan does not have any university in the top 100 large, but there are 42 universities in the sum of 500, the number of for the first time overtaken Britain, ranking second in the world.
2012 Academic Ranking of World Universities ranked the world's five hundred schools a Harvard University 2 Stanford University 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4 University of California - Berkeley, California Institute of Technology 5 Cambridge 6 7 Princeton University 8 Columbia University 9 University of Chicago 10 11 Yale University 12 Oxford University of California - Los Angeles 13 Cornell University 14 University of Pennsylvania google big table 15 University of California - San Diego 16 University of Washington - Seattle 17 Johns Hopkins University 18 University of California - San Francisco 19 University of Wisconsin - Madison, google big table University of Tokyo 21 20 University College London 22 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 23 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich 24 25 Imperial College, University of Illinois - Champaign 26 Kyoto University 27 University of Toronto, York University 27 29 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 30 Northwestern University (USA) 31 Washington University - St. Louis 32 Rockefeller University 33 University of Colorado google big table - Boulder 34 University of California - Santa Barbara 35 University of Texas - Austin, 36 Duke University google big table 37 University of Paris XI 38 University of Maryland - University City 39 40 University of British google big table Columbia, University of Manchester 41 North Carolina University - Chapel Hill 42 42 Karolinska Institute, University of Copenhagen University of Paris VI 44 45 University of California - Irvine 46 University of Southern California 47 University of California - Davis 48 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 49 Pennsylvania State University - University City 50 Vanderbilt University google big table 51 Carnegie Mellon google big table University 51 University of Edinburgh University of Munich 53 53 Hebrew University of Jerusalem 53 Utrecht University 56 Purdue University - West Lafayette 57 University of Pittsburgh, University of Melbourne 58 59 University of Zurich 60 61 Rutgers, The State University google big table of Munich University - New Brunswick 62 University of Heidelberg, 63 McGill University 64 Australian google big table National University 65 Brown University 65 Ohio State University - Columbus 67 University of Oslo, 68 King's google big table College London, University of Geneva 70 69 Bristol University 71 Boston University 72 University of Florida 73 Ecole Normale Leiden University 73 73 73 University of Helsinki, Uppsala University 77 University of Arizona 78 Israel google big table Institute of Technology 79 Arizona State University - Tempe 80 81 Stockholm University Moscow google big table State University 82 Utah 83 Osaka University 84 Indiana University - Bloomington 85 University of Basel, 86 Aarhus University 86 University of Nottingham 86 University of Rochester 89 Ghent University 90 Rice University 92 University of Queensland 91 McMaster University 93 Texas Adams Agricultural University - Calgary 93 University of Sydney University google big table of Technology 96 93 Weizman Michigan State University 96 Nagoya University 96 University of Western Australia 99 Case Western Reserve University 99 University of Freiburg 101-150 Aix - Marseille University, 101-150 101-150 Baylor College of Medicine University of Leuven (Flemish) 101-150 University of Louvain (French) 101-150 Emory University, Georgia Institute of Technology 101-150 101-150 101-150 Hokkaido University of Grenoble a University google big table of London School of Economics 101-150 101-150 Lund University School of Medicine Mayo Clinic 101-150 google big table 101-150 101-150 google big table Monash University, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore 101-150 101-150 101-150 University of Nijmegen 101-150 Seoul National University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne 101-150 Tel Aviv University, University of Georgia 101-150 101-150 101-150 Sheffield University Tohoku University (Japan) 101-150 101-150 Tufts University google big table Tokyo Institute of Technology 101 -150 101-150 University google big table of Alberta University of Amsterdam University of Birmingham 101-150 101-150 101-150 University of Bonn, University of California - Riverside 101-150 University of California - Santa Cruz 101-150 101-150 University of Delaware, University of Frankfurt 101 Goettingen University of Groningen -150 101-150 101-150 University of Hawaii - University of Iowa Mary Lou 101-150 101-150 101-150 University google big table of Liverpool University of Massachusetts, - the University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Medicine 101 101-150 University of Montreal -150 101-150 101-150 University of Münster University of New South Wales, University of Paris VII 101-150 101-150 101-150 University of Pisa, Rome's first university 101-150 101-150 Strasbourg University of Sao Paulo 101-150 101-150 Sussex University, University of Virginia, the University google big table of Wageningen University 101-150 101-150 151-200 Free University of Amsterdam University of Cardiff 151-200 151-200 Colorado google big table State University, Dartmouth College, 151 - 200 Erasmus University, George Mason University 151-200 151-200 151-200 Iowa State University, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Kyushu University 151-200 151-200 151-200 National Autonomous University of Mexico, North Carolina State University - Raleigh 151-200 151-200 Oregon Health & Science University Oregon State University, Peking University, 151-200 151-200 151-200 google big table Shanghai Jiaotong University SUNY - Stony Brook University, Denmark 151-200 151-200 151-200 google big table The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Auckland University of Glasgow 151-200 151-200 google big table 151-200 google big table University of Hong Kong University of Texas Health google big table Science Center - Houston 151-200 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Tsinghua University 151-200 151-200 Free University of Brussels (French) 151 - University of Bern University of Buenos Aires 200 151-200 151-200 151-200 University of Hamburg University of Gothenburg University google big table of Illinois at 151-200 - Chicago, University of Kiel, 151-200 151-200 151-200 University of Leeds University of Cologne, 151 - 200 151-200 Mainz University, University google big table of Maryland - Baltimore University of Miami 151-200 151-200 151-200 University of Milan, the University of Nebraska - Lincoln University of Padua 151-200 151-200 151-200 University of Paris V 151-200 University of Southampton University of Tennessee - Knoxville, University of Tsukuba 151-200 151-200 151-200 University of Tübingen University of Vienna University of Warwick 151-200 151-200 151-200 Wuerzburg University of Waterloo Virginia Commonwealth University, 151-200 (State) University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 151-200 151-200 201-300 Autonomous University of Madrid, google big table Zhejiang University Brandeis University 201-300 201-300 201-300 Charles University, Prague, City University of Hong Kong, 201-300 Lyon I University University of the Andes 201-300 201-300 Madelikang Templeton 201-300 Dalhousie University Delft University of Technology google big table Dresden University of Technology 201-300 201-300 201-300 Fudan University, Florida State University, 201 - 300 King Saud University, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology 201-300 201-300 201-300 Lancaster University, Laval University 201-300 Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge 201-300 201-300 Macquarie University google big table of Vienna Medical 201-300 201-300 University Nanyang Technological google big table University, Nanjing University, National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan 201-300 201-300 201-300 Taiwan Tsinghua University of Newcastle - Tyne 201-300 on the Norwegian University google big table of Science and Technology of the University of Toulouse III 201-300 201-300 Polytechnic Institute of Milan 201-300 201-300 Queen Mary, University of London Queen's University, Royal Institute of Technology 201-300 201-300 201-300 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute RWTH Aachen 201-300 201-300 Xi Mengfu Higher Normal School of Pisa Fraser University, State University of Campinas 201-300 201-300 SUNY - Buffalo 201-300 Sungkyunkwan University Technical University of Berlin 201-300 201-300 google big table 201-300 google big table George google big table Washington google big table University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 201-300 HKUST 201-300 201-300 University of Adelaide University of Alabama - Birmingham, University of Calgary 201-300 201-300 University of Connecticut - Storrs 201-300 University of New Mexico - Albuquerque google big table University of Reading, 201-300 University of Western Ontario 201-300 201-300 201-300 Thomas Jefferson University Trinity College Dublin University 201-300 201-300 Umea University of Aberdeen, University of Antwerp, 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Barcelona University of Bergen University of Bochum 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Bologna, University of Cape Town University of Central Florida 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Cincinnati University google big table of Colorado - Denver University of Dusseldorf 201-300 201-300 Trat University of East Anglia University Farm 201-300 201-300 Erlangen - Nuremberg University, the University of Exeter 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Florence, University of Houston, University of Guelph 201-300 201 201-300 University of Innsbruck -300 University of Kansas - Lawrence University of Karlsruhe 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Kentucky google big table University of Leicester University of Lausanne 201-300 201-300 201-300 Liege University, the University of Leipzig University of Lorraine 201-300 201-300 Maastricht University, the University of Manitoba 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Marburg University of New Jersey 201-300 Dental Medicine, University of Missouri - Columbia, University of Montpellier II 201-300 201-300 Virgin Mary Leah 201-300 University of Oregon University of Otago University 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Ottawa University of Paris-Dauphine University of Saskatchewan 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Science and Technology of China University of South Carolina - Columbia, University of South Florida 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Southern Denmark University of St Andrews University google big table of Stuttgart 201-300 201-300 201-300 University of Turin, University of York (UK) 201-300 Washington State University google big table - Pullman 201 - 300 Yeshiva University Yonsei University 201-300 301-400 301-400 Salonika Autonomous University of Barcelona google big table University of Bar Ilan University 301-400 301-400 301-400 Ben Gurion University, Brigham Young University - Provo 301-400 google big table Cha University of Chang Gung University Helms 301-400 301-400 301-400 China Agricultural University, City University of New York - City College Clemson University 301-400 301-400 301-400 Drexel University Ecole Polytechnic School 301 - 400 Lorand University Eindhoven google big table University of Technology 301-400 301-400 301-400 Federal University of Minas Rio de Janeiro Federal University Flinders University 301-400 301-400 301-400 Griffith University, Georgetown University, 301 - Hiroshima University Hanyang University 301-400 400 301-400 301-400 google big table Huazhong University of Science and Technology University, India 301-400 Indiana University - Indianapolis 301-400 301-400 Paris Industrial Physics Chemistry Jagiellonian University School 301 - 400 James Cook University Kanazawa University 301-400 301-400 301-400 Jilin University, Kansas State University, Keio University, 301-400
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