Sunday, August 11, 2013

News: Biology and art come together for the preservation of Bahuaja Sonene
Alicia Kuroiwa, representative of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Cristina Planas, sculptor and artist, tell us about the major project that unites, in which biology and art come together in order to conserve dongwoo the biodiversity of Bahuaja Sonene.
The WCS, or Spanish dongwoo Society dongwoo for the Conservation of wilderness, is an NGO working in over 60 countries, including ours. Currently, Peru is facing various problems due to indiscriminate use of resources such as deforestation and illegal mining, which often flows in child trafficking affects the Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja dongwoo Sonene, the Mother of God and Puno.
Sonene Bahuaja covers nearly one million one hundred thousand acres of the richest biodiversity in the world. The solution, says Kuoriwa, would be to strike a balance between conservation and development, as this should be sustainably. To do this, he adds, it is essential that people know the wonders of the park.
Kuroiwa Planas and told us that to these problems, it was decided to undertake an expedition, consisting of 24 artists, including chefs, photographers, musicians and artists, who pledged to live an experience close to nature and observe closely our biodiversity the purpose of making a statement then to report and disseminate the wonders of Bahuaja Sonene. Among the artists were the curator Armando Williams, Lucho Quequezana musician and photographer Roberto Huarcaya.
According dongwoo Kuroiwa, the idea is that artists fall in love with the park and work as a locomotive to help promote dongwoo and publicize its importance and beauty. This group experience memorable for all of them, filled all the artists of many sensations and visions to process. Currently all of them are very committed to the project and are prepared to show this experience in an exhibition to be held next year.
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