Tuesday, August 13, 2013

GSM Unlock-and Sony-Ericsson (CID52) | Backtrack Linux - Portal Polish edition of Backtrack
Official statement Backtrack.pl: The Backtrack changed its name to Kali Linux, so work on the Polish efo furniture version of the system has been halted. Polish edition of Kali Linux system and the premium is now ready for download at the new address: Kali-Linux.pl If Poland accounted for Backtrack.pl Edit your fancy, then you'll love the 100% Polish Edition Kali Linux. WELCOME!
The only condition which we must meet it does not have a CID-53 in our phone, because currently it is not possible patch-ing a CID-53 The lower version of the CID and can be raised efo furniture or even to patch as it is but you just have not tested the CID and less than 49
To do this, place the MAIN qamaker-directory and then execute the command: qamaker.exe nazwa_naszego_pliku_MAIN.mdn the result is a Quick Access Patch for our MAIN-and it looks something like this: quick_access_K810_R6BC002.vkp efo furniture may differ only version of the software and the phone.
4 Load software into the phone so that after applying patch and FS agree with MAIN-I. I personally use XS + + 2.2. Description charging MAIN and FS-as I described

efo furniture here: http://backtrack.pl/2008/04/22/sony-ericsson-debrand/
Launch SeTool-and you put up, choose your phone model and select the "Bypass DB2020 Security" if the phone is not on the platform DB2020 option will not be visible. Using the Add button, add your file MAIN same that has been loaded with the file system

(point 4) and MISC Files: choose the Quick Access Patch that was generated in section 3 such quick_access_K810_R6BC002.vkp and click Flash.
The process takes a good while, it would be nice if at the time the computer is not suspended or disabled, as might be the case that your phone is no longer fires. (But it also can be reversed by SeTool-and, by further application MAIN s)
When patching the program will ask you to unplug the phone remove the batteries and re-connecting it (typically holding the "C" on the phone turned off) click the "READY" efo furniture and a few minutes charging MAIN-a and at the end of the program will ask whether you want to remove the patch, choose efo furniture NO, after a few seconds the program quits, and we unplugged the phone.
Launch efo furniture SIMLockPatchGen.exe choose our MAIN (must be the same as we used in all the previous points) Well, again created a patch to unlock-added software and dedicated as "Remove_SIM_lock_K810_R6BC002.vkp"
This process does not completely remove unlock-a, just modify the software so that it've been missing, which unfortunately means that with each successive replacement of software will have to repeat the process.
Launch SeTool-a, choose the model of your phone, only this time select efo furniture the "Use Quick Access patch" efo furniture and MISC Files: select the patch to unlock generated in step 6 as "" efo furniture Remove_SIM_lock_K810_R6BC002.vkp efo furniture "and click" Write SCRIPT "(the process takes a briefly) after the end of the phone is ready for action and has no unlock-and J
To do this, fire up the XS + + 2.2 click "connect" connect phone holding "c" to select "Customize File System" select your phone from the list or him next if you have not, you will find (for K770, K810 choose K800) and then select: CENT_EUROPE (CDA102568 / 2) (K800) and give Flash. Then we are ready to operate the phone without unlock-a
Finally, I wanted to warn that the incompetent efo furniture

performance of flash-ing efo furniture may result in blocking or disabling the phone, it does not mean, however, that the phone is suitable for disposal because if not wgramy CID53 continue with SeTool-and you can upload another MAIN will restore your phone to life and again we remove efo furniture unlock-a.
I must also add that even if something goes wrong we SEUS unused because of good 2-3 months SEUS charge soft-y with CID53 which is not enough that they are not free to unlock it still cost a lot and can not be modified.
Q1: For which phone does it work? A1: For Sony Ericsson efo furniture s platform DB2020 efo furniture 100% unless you have a CID53, and most of the CID-I 51, and 49 others have not tested. (For CID51 and CID49 some elements of the description may be omitted) Q2: Is it safe? A2: I think so, because even if something goes wrong do not reflash the firmware efo furniture on the SeTool can load it again, the only threat to CID53 which is able to block everything. I certainly do not give any guarantee that this will work. Q3: Can this process be reversed? A3: Let's efo furniture if we remember the original versions of our software. Q4: Can I pick up the CID to 52 with SEU


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