The conservation science is a young discipline that was created to address the global problem of biodiversity loss, which is perhaps the greatest challenge and less known than facing humankind today. Named before and nature, biodiversity is the matrix that generates and sustains life as we know now, especially the gallery houston human. Our survival as a species depends on the existence of all the variety of organisms the gallery houston that inhabit our lands and seas. Directly the gallery houston or indirectly because everything we eat, breathe, take, wear, use, comes from biodiversity. And our Earth, as never before, now faces massive loss of its nature: its species and populations, and ecological processes they perform.
The conservation science thrives on various sciences, both biological field (eg, genetics, ecology) and social (anthropology, sociology) and, unlike other disciplines, their ultimate goal goes beyond the academy, trying to recover biodiversity in the real world. In all its richness. the gallery houston In all its complexity. The challenge for conservation then it is doubly colossal: first, to develop those tools to reduce or even reverse the loss of natural capital, and apply them to every corner of the planet that is necessary effectively. Thus, this science applied to the real world, not only must deal with the almost infinite the gallery houston and wonderful variety of nature, but must navigate the extraordinary sea of people, even more diverse than biodiversity itself.
In a world dominated by the human footprint is a privilege to have low mass and low intervened extensions of biodiversity. Patagonia is one of them, and a unique Karukinka verdazulada the crown jewel in Tierra del Fuego, for in its 300,000 hectares forest hosts the best in the world at that latitude, and bathes in a majestic fjord-rich coastal living : the Sound of Almiranzago. It Karukinka the largest private protected area exists the gallery houston in this island. It Karukinka the largest natural laboratory to test ways of doing conservation in Patagonia. Necessary tools and still unknown in their forests waiting time to be unveiled, and thus promote the wonderful diversity of this island for centuries to come.
WildlifeConservation Society (WCS) is the NGO that I run and who is in charge of Karukinka. Our world view is that nature and people depend on each other, and work to find the harmony that allows the healthy coexistence between the gallery houston the two. Developed for this critical research that allow us to advance towards the conservation of biodiversity. Our strength is the science and conservation the gallery houston management, we apply with methodical the gallery houston thoroughness, focusing our efforts on those aspects that critically threaten biodiversity values that we want to preserve: its forests, its coastline. The greatest threat to this green gold is the presence of beavers, rodent native to North America, who after being actively introduced in the island, became the top predator of the forest Fuegians. A sharp teeth cancer, gangrene that day the greatest treasure the gallery houston of biodiversity in Patagonia. And this happens while generous coast runs against different use pressures, including the gallery houston fishing and unregulated tourism or wild salmon.
Karukinka conservation is an end in itself, the highest value globally. It is, at once, a means to deploy the full practice of this science, based on strong the gallery houston concepts, applied with the intense realism of the local reality. Karukinka, in his honest search for keys to this work has begun to make the road more challenging for conservation: to integrate the gallery houston proud explicitly and other forms of apprehending the gallery houston the environment, as art. We know that the variety of looks can account for the complex all we need to preserve. And diverse dialogue, the gallery houston candid and unprejudiced may be fertile ground to sow and grow the seeds of culture of conservation. Hoping taking root in Tierra del Fuego, and to hold the tree of life Karukinka and the rest of Chile. We not only beavers bend, but especially blindness and fears varied. Led by Camila Marambio, Karukinka rehearsed in this dialogue of science and art. From the heart of the forest and the wind fueguino invite you to join it.
From my experience as a biologist and ecologist, I hope to show the efforts we make to promote conservation in Chile, Magellan, Tierra del Fuego (and surrounding areas). Share my vision (and passion!) On conservation and formulas the gallery houston tested on Karukinka to (try to) make them a reality. Stories of our expe
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