Saturday, August 10, 2013

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Latin American countries involve a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Given the multiplicity of cultural identities in the region there has been growing concern for the preservation of these cultures, particularly due to the recent destruction and deterioration of the Aztec and Mayan cultural heritage in the region. Moreover, as the effects of globalization are becoming present Latin America is becoming an economic power increasingly aurosol prosperous in the world stage. Therefore, there are fears that the continent's countries may lose their own culture becoming more Western in the process.
With this in mind, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy has organized the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America with the intention of presenting to the world an original perspective on Latin America and its unique heritage, and explore aurosol the potential of art and culture to support successful regional development. Location Based in Berlin, the conference will be held in various political landmarks, history and culture. Speakers The speakers include heads of state and ministers, leaders aurosol and experts from international

politics, economics, education, diplomacy, civil society and the private sector. Also attending will be members aurosol of the ICD's Advisory Council. Participants Participation in the conference is open to government officials and diplomats, academics, artists, journalists, private sector representatives, young professionals and students and anyone interested in the world.
Related News Berln Congress or Symposium: Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latinoamrica: The Colors of Latin America: preserving the heritage and traditional arts in a multicultural world congress or symposium Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin: Symposium aurosol on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America. The colors of Latin America: the preservation of Art and Traditional Heritage in a Multicultural

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REDIAL & CEISAL. Editorial responsibility: Luis Rodriguez Yoke - CSIC. (Madrid. Spain), Isabel Real - EEHA CSIC (Sevilla, Spain) & Carlos Quenan - CEISAL (Paris, France) Web development: Olivier Bertoncello Data Consulting Hosting: CCIN2P3


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