A black hole ejected from the galaxy Free Media
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Recent data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory shows that astronomers have observed a black hole, which is just thrown in your galaxy. Leave it at a speed of several million kilometers per hour. That black hole is probably collided with another black hole, combined with her and was rejected by the gravitational waves.
It's frugal furniture hard to believe that a supermassive black hole, which has a mass millions of times larger than the Sun, can ever be moved, not to mention throwing it at high speed from the galaxy. But the latest data confirm the theory that gravitational waves - provided by Einstein frugal furniture but never detected directly - may interact with gigantic force - said Francesca Civano of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
The possibility of ejecting the black hole of the galaxy means that space can circulate many such structures. We are not able to detect them, because when left the galaxy absorbed frugal furniture the surrounding gas.
The findings mentioned in the introduction was made by observing the black hole system of CID-42, located in the center of a galaxy about 4 billion light years. First, using the Hubble Space Telescope discovered frugal furniture in the CID-42 are two different small light source. Additional observations made by Magellan Telescope and the Very Large Telescope suggest that both sources are moving apart at a speed of at least 4.8 million km / h. Earlier observations frugal furniture with Chandra frugal furniture indicate a very bright X-ray sources that could come from the material surrounding one or more supermassive black holes. However, because Chandra was not exactly geared frugal furniture to the CID-42, you could not get a sharp image, respectively. Only after setting Chandra found that the radiation source is a single black hole. According to the researchers, there was a collision of galaxies and black holes found in the centers. Black holes merged to form a single structure, and has been kicked out of the galaxy by force of gravity waves caused by the impact. frugal furniture Moving a hole is a source of radiation, and the second - a newly formed star cluster. This scenario is consistent with the recently carried out simulations of black hole mergers.
Experts note that there are two other possible explanations of what is happening in CID-42. One is the assumption that there was a meeting of three supermassive black holes, which is the brightest was rejected. The second theory assumes that CID-42 contains frugal furniture two supermassive black holes that revolve around each other in a spiral, and finally combined. Both explanations, however, require that at least one of the black holes was very dark. Chandra detected because only one X-ray source frugal furniture This means that most likely it is appropriate to assume a black hole ejected from the galaxy.
TAGS: astronomy, black holes, galaxies views expressed by the authors are their personal views and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration "Liberal Media". If material infringes your copyright, please read the information available here, and then (if you still think so), please contact us!
The Armageddon that they had the some 4 billion years ago, so long the light ran to us. And as many years ago, our land is reportedly beginning to take shape. If there is, as some knowledge of a universal carrier of the event (immediate transfer of some physical content) I would probably have influenced the formation frugal furniture of the globe. Ha ha.
Science and Technology Deadly Secrets sounds of human origin theory expansion
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Recent data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory shows that astronomers have observed a black hole, which is just thrown in your galaxy. Leave it at a speed of several million kilometers per hour. That black hole is probably collided with another black hole, combined with her and was rejected by the gravitational waves.
It's frugal furniture hard to believe that a supermassive black hole, which has a mass millions of times larger than the Sun, can ever be moved, not to mention throwing it at high speed from the galaxy. But the latest data confirm the theory that gravitational waves - provided by Einstein frugal furniture but never detected directly - may interact with gigantic force - said Francesca Civano of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
The possibility of ejecting the black hole of the galaxy means that space can circulate many such structures. We are not able to detect them, because when left the galaxy absorbed frugal furniture the surrounding gas.
The findings mentioned in the introduction was made by observing the black hole system of CID-42, located in the center of a galaxy about 4 billion light years. First, using the Hubble Space Telescope discovered frugal furniture in the CID-42 are two different small light source. Additional observations made by Magellan Telescope and the Very Large Telescope suggest that both sources are moving apart at a speed of at least 4.8 million km / h. Earlier observations frugal furniture with Chandra frugal furniture indicate a very bright X-ray sources that could come from the material surrounding one or more supermassive black holes. However, because Chandra was not exactly geared frugal furniture to the CID-42, you could not get a sharp image, respectively. Only after setting Chandra found that the radiation source is a single black hole. According to the researchers, there was a collision of galaxies and black holes found in the centers. Black holes merged to form a single structure, and has been kicked out of the galaxy by force of gravity waves caused by the impact. frugal furniture Moving a hole is a source of radiation, and the second - a newly formed star cluster. This scenario is consistent with the recently carried out simulations of black hole mergers.
Experts note that there are two other possible explanations of what is happening in CID-42. One is the assumption that there was a meeting of three supermassive black holes, which is the brightest was rejected. The second theory assumes that CID-42 contains frugal furniture two supermassive black holes that revolve around each other in a spiral, and finally combined. Both explanations, however, require that at least one of the black holes was very dark. Chandra detected because only one X-ray source frugal furniture This means that most likely it is appropriate to assume a black hole ejected from the galaxy.
TAGS: astronomy, black holes, galaxies views expressed by the authors are their personal views and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration "Liberal Media". If material infringes your copyright, please read the information available here, and then (if you still think so), please contact us!
The Armageddon that they had the some 4 billion years ago, so long the light ran to us. And as many years ago, our land is reportedly beginning to take shape. If there is, as some knowledge of a universal carrier of the event (immediate transfer of some physical content) I would probably have influenced the formation frugal furniture of the globe. Ha ha.
Science and Technology Deadly Secrets sounds of human origin theory expansion
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