Thursday, August 1, 2013

David Pelham was the art director of the famous British publisher Penguin namjeЕЎtaj Books, from 1968-1979. In this time he created some of the most notable covers

of this company. Among these is the work he did with the first books by British writer namjeЕЎtaj JG Ballard, especially since, according to the general rule, managed to capture the essence of the author's unique imagery, gender transporting outer space to inner space.
Both symbolic and theoretical purposes and program, say the name of the new territory interior> <space I wanted to explore: the psychological domain (which appears, for example, in the surrealist paintings) where the outside world of reality and the inner world of the mind meet and merge.
should add the cover of The Four-Dimensional Nightmare (1977), one of the alternate titles in the collection Voices of time:
These covers came in several books from the collection of CF Martinez Roca: Heinlein, Brackett, Dick http://, if more do not remember.
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