Kings Of Leon
Nashville, Tennessee group Kings of Leon has just released the music video for their new single "supersoaker", the first single from their upcoming sixth studio album, "Mechanical Bull", appearing 23 September. You can see the music video where the group is raging with color filters with retro touch, below.
Kings of Leon is one of the headliners at this year Smukfest in Skanderborg, where they close the festival on Sunday 11 August. We caught up recently the group's lead guitarist furniture xo Matthew Followill - cousin to the other three members Followill brothers Caleb (singing, guitar), Jared (bass) and Nathan (drums) furniture xo - on the road to hear a little furniture xo about what we can expect from it upcoming album.
- It will be an eclectic album with something for everyone. There are country songs, rock songs, mid-tempo songs. It will probably be happier in tone than our last album ("Come Around Sundown," 2010. Eds.), Which had a pretty down-tempo-dominated atmosphere. We recorded the album at home in Nashville in our newly combined rehearsal room and studio, furniture xo we decorated while we were taking a break. The album is produced by our longtime collaborator Angelo Petraglia.
- It was something that Caleb came at a time, and it seemed we sounded good, so it was stuck. I must confess that we always find the titles before we begin to record the songs, so we've had it long. It has been said in the press that the title is inspired by John Travolta movie "Urban Cowboy" and so we also at some point, but I actually do not know if it's there, it originates. But that's not all that needs an explanation. furniture xo
- Yes, there it was. It was only when we had made three albums that we found out that they had titles of five syllables, but when we became aware of it, we decided furniture xo to continue with it. It's a good way to limit the number of choices on where to go to find a title. But I will not guarantee that we will continue with it forever furniture xo (laughs).
I took a break after your last tour, which even ended prematurely because Caleb had a ride on alkolholafvænning. Now you are back on a long tour. How will you ensure you that something similar furniture xo will not happen again?
- We were just exhausted. We had worked for eight or nine years without a break and had to realize that it was time to take a break. So we stayed a year off, which includes articles furnished studio and it was just what was needed. Now we have it, like we're a new band again. And we are aware that we have to keep some more breaks in the future.
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